Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dang! Had to miss a Saturday

Now, ordinarily a Saturday would be one of our longer rides for any given week, but we had some out-of-town stuff scheduled for today.  Good thing yesterday was a day off and we got in at least a few miles—it did bump this week’s total up close to the 100-mile mark for Brenda.  But it was zero miles today on what would’ve been another beautiful day for riding even though it was a little breezy.

We just got back in town and as we were walking in the door one of our riding friends was leaving a voice mail message saying that he was going out tomorrow morning and did we want to join him.  Well, as much as we’d love to, we probably won’t.  He’s not going out until 8:15, and that means we wouldn’t really get in any significant miles before we’d have to be back here to get ready for church at 10:00.  So if we do anything on Sundays, we either have to do it real early in the morning (not very likely until later in the year) or in the afternoon. 

With weather like we’ve been having lately, I won’t mind at all going out in the afternoon, although it does tend to be a little bit windier than it is first thing in the morning.  But you never know what else is going to come up after church.  (And, there will be a couple of good football games on TV, so we have to take that into consideration too…)  But between the two games, that’s about 6 hours of football, maybe 7, and we’d only need 2 or 3 hours for a good ride.  I like watching football, but I like riding too, and Brenda likes riding way more than watching football, so I’ll see if I can get us out there.  At least there shouldn’t be much traffic…

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