Monday, March 5, 2012

Three days with the bikes, zero miles

Well, we took the bikes on our little camping trip this weekend, but we didn't manage to get in the first mile on them.  We knew we were taking a bit of a chance on finding a campsite since we didn’t have a reservation anywhere, but it was a risk we were willing to take.  Every now and then you just roll the dice.  As it turned out, we got campsites on both Friday night and Saturday night, but at two different campgrounds, which meant that we had to do twice as much setup and tear-down as we had intended.  The end result—no riding all weekend.  We didn’t ride on Friday because it took us most of the day to figure out when we were going to stay where (and besides, it was really windy.)  We didn’t ride on Saturday because we had to move to the new campground in the morning (and besides, it was really, really windy.)  And we didn’t ride on Sunday because immediately after we broke camp (in fact about five minutes before we completely finished) it poured down rain (and besides, it know, windy.)  Pretty much all weekend long there were sustained 25 mph winds with 30 to 40 mph gusts.  And as bad as that kind of thing is for riding, trust me—it’s just as bad for camping. 

And I didn’t take the computer with me, but even if I had, we weren't really in a wi-fi area, so there were no blog entries either.  I honestly wanted to blog every day this year, but it looks like that didn’t really work out too pretty good.  Oh well.  I hope the two of you that are reading this blog will forgive me. 

So tomorrow Brenda should be able to get back to the routine.  It’s a regular riding day, and I think the weather is supposed to be ok.  (Good thing she’s got all those miles in the bank, eh?)

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