Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back in the saddle again

Ok, a little chilly this morning, especially early.  But I put her bike on the car so she could drive to the ride—that way she’d start the ride at 8:00 instead of 7:00, when it’s a little warmer.  Plus, since she’s been a little under the weather it kind of eases her back into it after the time off.

So she got in a short ride (24 miles) but right back at the pace she left off at.  (good ol’ muscle memory…)  Kind of an odd ride though—they didn’t even all get out of the parking lot before someone had a flat.  Ok, regroup and help the guy fix his flat.  And then, on try number 2, before they all get out of the parking lot, a parking lot crash.  (not bad—just one of those where somebody was clipped in to their pedals but was going too slow to stay upright…)  Ok, so they finally got out of the parking lot and barely half way into the ride (you know what’s coming, don’t you?), yes, another flat.  Same tire, different tube.  And who among us hasn’t been in that position before?...  Yep, I know what that means—time for new tires.  That’s my rule—even if you can’t really see any bad cuts or wear spots in a tire, if you get 2 flats in 2 or fewer rides, it’s new tire time (barring of course the exception of a pinch-flat).

But in spite of flats, crashes, mix-ups, or whatever, it’s still good to just be out there.  I’m glad she’s feeling well enough to ride again—not just for the sake of the 5,000-mile goal, but for her health.  Like I say, riding is more than just exercise—it’s a way to clear you mind too.  It’s a real good way to spend time with friends, practice a little servanthood, get some fresh air, and concentrate on something other than the problems of the day.  Once you start riding, you get to love riding.

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