Thursday, February 9, 2012

One of those short weeks?

We got this notice from the city a couple of weeks ago that they would be shutting off the water for a day this week so they could work on replacing the main.  Ok, not too unusual—they’ve gotta work on the infrastructure sooner or later, right?  What we didn’t realize is that apparently there is some kind of main valve-thing right under our driveway.  So when the shutoff day arrived (yesterday) we didn’t realize that for us it meant more than just having the water shut off for the day, it also meant having access to our driveway and garage taken out by a huge hole in our front yard that took out half of our driveway.  So last night they kind of filled in the hole, but it’s still just in a temporary state because apparently this is a 2-stage fix.  Day one was yesterday, and day two will be next week. 

So, what, you might be asking, does any of that have to do with bike riding?  Well, it’s just that it makes it Brenda a little uncomfortable with riding out from the house.  The driveway is torn up, the front yard is torn up, and even the street is torn up.  We kept the car parked in the street last night, in front of the neighbor's house, so I put her bike in the car this morning before I left for work and she just drove out to the ride again.  And that means that, with today’s 25 miles, she only has 50 miles so far this week, when she’d ordinarily have closer to 80.   So we either have to ride more on the weekend, or be especially thankful for last week’s 220 miles.  And, looking at the weather forecast for Saturday, I think it’s going to be the latter.

You ever watch one of those 5-day weather forecasts?  Earlier in the week it said 50% chance of rain for Saturday.  Then on Tuesday or Wednesday it went down to 20%, which we can usually deal with.  And now it’s back up to 50%, and they’re even saying specifically that the rain will be in the morning.  Rats.  Ok, well, we need to make a trip up to Gainesville pretty soon to visit my 92-year old mother.  Maybe we’ll make that this weekend if it’s going to be lousy bike riding weather anyway.  One more day to figure it out…

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